Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Glossy Blue


Glossy Blue template for the new xml Blogger is very nice and functional. It’s got tabs across the top which are dynamically created from a link list. You just enter the tabs and urls you want and they automatically appear. No need to fiddle with the xml code!
The sidebar also has recent posts and comments widgets which just need to be configured before they show up. Enter your feed urls into both and you’ll be all set.
This theme was designed and built by Nick La for use on blogger.com blogs. It’s been enhanced by eBlog Templates but still contains the original terms below per Nick La.
By downloading and using this theme, you agree to the following terms:- You may NOT resell this theme- A link back to N.Design Studio must be retained in the footer (either modified or unmodified)- You may use this theme for personal or commercial projects- You may modify, translate or distribute
All images are hosted on our Blogger image server so you don’t need to think about dealing with hosting images. Most sites don’t manage the Blogger template images for you so please appreciate our template and the work we’ve done. All we ask is to not remove our footer link.

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